A downloadable Printout

Needed materials:


  1. Print first on regular paper a couple of times to get the size right, round edge dice vs sharp edges may mean having to resize your print.
  2. Print the dice templates onto sticker paper once you know the correct size.
  3. Cut out each individual square, and cut out each pair of connected pentagons. Stick them onto blank d6 and d12 dice. Page 25 of the Core Rule Book will tell you what number of the die corresponds to what side of the die. Reference a numbered die if you want to make sure you put the symbols in their proper place.
  4. Use an x-acto knife to trim the edges of the paper on each face if any sides overlap each other, making the edges flush with each other.
  5. Use a small paint brush to apply an even coat of mod podge (Mod podge has an official brush if you’re interested), then place the dice on a plastic tupperware lid to let the dice dry completely after 24-48 hours.
  6. Use a small paint brush to apply an even coat of clear acrylic to the dice, let the dice dry for 24 hours, apply another coat of clear acrylic,
  7. Allow the acrylic coat to dry for a full 7 days, the dice may stick to each other if they touch for too long and it will peel the faces when you then try to unstick them. Depending on your area, curing may be shorter or longer.
  8. Test your dice by handling them, shaking them to see if they are clacky, and rolling them to see how well they bounce. If you need to restart at any point, you can use an x-acto knife to remove paper and try again.

Alternative directions from Shiba Gandhios on Discord:

Shiba Gandhios August 11, 2018 12:48 PM

I have worked in paint and chemical business, so my experience is more commercial level stuff, but I have a thought on the matter. Acrylic urethane is durable, somewhat flexible and less reactive to adhesives.

The best way I can imagine to make long lasting, durable dice with paper cut out sides:

  1. Clean the dice in warm water and soap, not too hot for your hands. This will let some of the manufacture chems seap out.

  2. Seal the dice with a "bonding primer" Stix brand is best, kilz second. There are spray cans at paint stores and home improvement stores. Make it really thin. Don't worry about coverage, these primers are low on pigment.

  3. Use modgepodge, or printable sticky paper to adhere the dice to the papers. Water based glues are forgiving to work with, and soak into the paper a bit. If the paper is low end stock, the glue may discolor the paper.

Needs testing^ but sounds like a winning recipe.


Custom Clan Dice Explosive Mon.pdf 2.5 MB
Custom Clan Dice.pdf 1 MB

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