Thunders, now on RPGGO.AI!

How's it going folks! I had been recommended a site called, which is a platform that allows users to create roleplaying characters and to create AI "games".

Now, I know I put that in quotes, but they are truly games. They have objectives, win conditions, and loss conditions.

That being said, I wanted to see how far their system could be pushed, so I attempted to translate this entire adventure on their website.

You can play it here:

I put over a month's worth of work into creating a 9-session adventure, with branching paths depending on which Thunders you decide to travel with in the Shadowlands.

You will be playing as an eighth thunder, chosen by an unnamed, forgotten Kami who was not a participant in the First Day of Thunder. Your inclusion is pivotal to saving the Empire.

There are 20 questions in a prelude chapter, but only the first few are actually core to playing the game. Let me know if you have any feedback, I'd love to hear how you enjoy it!

I'm considering translating more of my adventures into AI games like this, it was a lot of work, but a lot of fun too.

Get Thunder at the Gates of Hell [L5R RPG + AiR]

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